Log In. (Links to the login pages are at the bottom of the Home page. )
In the menu, choose Applications/New Application to begin a new grant application or Applications/Search to retrieve one that you have previously saved.
Save to finish later if you do not have all the required information ready.
Click "Submit Application" and an email will be sent to the principal for his/her review (it will be approved or denied, or you may be contacted with a request to modify or add additional information). Once submitted, you will be unable to edit the application.
Once approved by the principal, the Fort Bend Education Foundation will evaluate all applications for the year and will select which ones will be funded.
Once the final selections have been made for the year, you will be notified at the end April by email whether or not your application has been selected for a grant.
Funded applicants will be notified in April of the following year that a grant evaluation is to be completed online, and that those who do not may be eliminated for consideration for grants for the following academic year.